Tuesday, 7 January 2014

COACHING : Basic Batting #2

Weight Transfer
1. Use full depth of crease – move right back or right forward
2. Generate power by bending the weight-bearing knee in the direction of the sh
3. For forward shots
• Body arc forward on penetration phase
• Weight on ball of front foot
• Bend front knee, smell the ball

4. For back shots
• Top half of the body leans forward in preparation phase
• Weight on ball of back foot
• Back foot at right angles to shot direction
• Unwind from a stable, side-on position

For a batsman to score consistently he needs to judge the length of the ball quickly and accurately. If he judges the length he can then get his feet in position early, allowing him a stable base to hit from. The length of the ball determines in which manner it should be played.

Progression in shot execution development
1. Explanation of when to use the shot in a game
2. Demonstration
3. Shadow/Rehearsal
4. Stationary Ball
5. Ball dropped by partner from shoulder height
6. Underarm, increasing to full pitch distance
7. Overarm, increasing to full pitch distance
8. Bowled Deliveries in Nets
9. Centre Wicket Practice

Overall Key Batting Points
1. CONCENTRATE – fiercely focus on every ball from the bowlers' hand onto the bat face.
2. MAINTAIN BALANCE – hit off a stable base with the HEAD-IN-LINE with the ball and the FOOT ALONGSIDE.
3. ALIGN ALL BODY LEVERS – the front elbow pushes through the direction of the shot; keep the hands in-close to the body.
4. FULL WEIGHT TRANSFER – bend the weight-bearing knee in the direction of the shot.

Common Concentration Lapses Causing Dismissals
1. Concern about the run rate – slogging
2. Exhilaration over the previous shot
3. Pre-deciding a shot or delivery
4. A previous play and miss
5. Thinking about non-cricket matters
6. Relaxation after reaching a certain score ("I haven't failed")
7. Concern about looking good rather than toughing it out
8. Fear of failure, fear of making a mistake/getting out
9. Predicting getting out/rehearsing a dismissal

Key Points: Concentration
1. Watch every ball from the bowlers hand onto the bat face
2. Have a consistent mental plan and stick to it – `Now Technique’
3. "Relax" between balls, "fierce" focus from the bowlers gathering stride
4. Zoom in your focus on the ball as the bowler gathers to deliver
5. Recognise concentration crises and distractions; replace them immediately with a mental plan

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