Sunday, 2 February 2014

BATTING : Driving technique is a simple as ABC

To be a successful batter it is essential to be efficient in your ABCs:

  • Alignment
  • Balance
  • Completion of shot

Alignment, Balance and Completion of stroke are the 3 main areas of technique to develop and work on. Within these areas you need to refine the details of technique to hasten the development of your own or others performance.


Alignment is the bat path from its position at the top of the back swing to the top of the shot. If the bat swings in a straight line to the target area your shots become more consistent.

You must get your alignment correct in your set up to be able to maintain it throughout the shot. From the top of the back swing through to the completion of a stroke rhythm, or a controlled flowing swing of the bat, is paramount.

To allow the bat to swing in a straight line to the ball effectively the feet and body must be well aligned. Without this feet and body can literally block the path of the bat towards to the ball. This is what coaches mean when they refer to 'being blocked off'.

Being blocked off inhibits the full face of the bat and path towards the line if the ball. Good alignment of feet and shoulders stops this from taking place.


Being balanced is controlling you body position and posture before, during and after a stroke. In simple terms: keeping the head directly over the line of the body throughout the shot.

Balance is achieved by looking to 'play in the v' so your head remains in a neutral position.

From this position you can hit the ball through mid on, mid off and straight. Often balance is compromised because players are all so eager to play on the off side therefore their weight often tips that way.

To achieve balance in front foot shots the head should always be forward of and directly above the front foot. Think leaning rather than falling.

This position is much easier to maintain with a controlled, rhythmical, flowing swing of the bat.


Completion is often referred to as 'holding the shot for the cameras'. The great players emphasise and over exaggerate this with a high elbow and high hands.

Completion prolongs the full face of the bat towards the ball, thus making the hitting zone longer. The longer the bat swings in a straight line with a full blade towards the ball the more consistent the stroke becomes.

Batting is about good lines and correct refined shapes. These three elements are crucial to becoming consistent, more versatile in your stroke making and also help you to survive testing spells of bowling.

Within these elements detailed components of technique need to be fine-tuned.



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